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Safety Champion April & May 2022

By Kirsty Fletcher-Reid on 05 May 2022

Our latest Safety Champion accolades have been awarded to two crew members who demonstrated vigilance in their day-to-day operations on board and acted to prevent a potentially serious incident.


Our first award goes to Scott Black; 2nd Officer on board Standard Viking. Upon routinely entering the vessel messroom, Scott noticed a burning smell coming from the direction of the chiller cabinets. He investigated and identified the burning smell was coming from damaged electrics on the fridge compressor unit. He went on to isolate the fridge and then informed the Chief Engineer and Safety Officer. His timely action potentially prevented a far more serious incident.


Upon further review, Scott’s observation was upgraded to a Near Miss for full investigation and was later shared fleet wide as a Safety Flash. We’d like to thank Scott for his quick action and contribution to the safety of his vessel.


The second Safety Champion Award is given to Pete Stewart, 2nd Officer on board FS Kristiansand. Pete submitted an observation following a mooring operation. While recovering a mooring line Pete noted that the rope was frayed and damaged in several places and reported it so the rope could be taken out of service.


Mooring operations and the associated risks are an ongoing and widely discussed topic in the maritime industry, and we’d like to use Pete’s observation to highlight that crew should be continuously inspecting / monitoring the condition of the ropes they are using to tie up their vessel. Damaged ropes are more likely to part under tension and continuing to use frayed ropes increases the risk of injury to personnel or damage to the vessel due to a snapped line.


Our congratulations go to both Scott and Pete for their Safety Champion title, they both demonstrate that the smallest observation can make the biggest difference to safety on board.


Our thanks are also extended to each crew member who took the time to submit a Safety Observation Card.  These cards have become a valued tool in our ongoing safety management, and we appreciate the continued involvement from our all.

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