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October Safety Champion

By Kirsty Fletcher-Reid on 06 Nov 2019

Coming through Autumn and into the early Winter months, our crew become acutely aware of the ever-changing conditions offshore. With this comes increased checking and testing of equipment, and all crew are heightened to the evolving environment on deck. This month's safety champion is a prime example of how simple checks which take place routinely, should be monitored closely and in some instances increased when the conditions on deck lend themselves to the unpredictable North Sea environment.


Seumas Fraser, Chief Officer on board FS Balmoral, observed an unusually large stern trim on the rescue boat when the vessel was initially lifted from the davit. The boat was secured and assessed, where it was noticed that a large amount of water had accumulated unseen in the hull. The consequences of 'over-weighted' rescue crafts are well-known throughout the industry and should be prevented at all costs. This is a prime example for the frequency of routine checks to be increased when adverse weather is expected or experienced.


We would therefore like to congratulate Seumas for submitting the winning Safety Observation card, and for gaining the coveted title of Safety Champion of the Month! In addition, we would like to thank Seumas for his contribution and promotion of our company safety culture.


We are always grateful to our crew for their submission of Safety Cards throughout the month. Each and every card is read, considered, and more often than not it undoubtably assists our HSEQ team in some manner. Thank you to the continued efforts of our crew and for the ongoing consideration and contribution of our company safety culture. 

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