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July 2021 Safety Champion

By Kirsty Fletcher-Reid on 30 Jul 2021

We are very pleased to announce that the winner of this month’s Safety Champion Award is Sergejs Savrovs, ETO on board Standard Princess. The award deservedly goes to Sergejs after he submitted a card outlining an observation made regarding excessive vibration on the vessels main mast which he correctly identified and rectified with assistance.


Whilst performing a routine maintenance task on the monkey island Sergejs noticed that the upper end of the mast was vibrating more than would be expected. Following further investigation Sergejs identified that the stays supporting that section of the mast were not adequately tightened. With the assistance of the 2nd Engineer the stays were adjusted and tightened to reduce the vibration.


Excessive vibration in an area of the mast where sensitive navigation equipment is sighted could well have led to equipment or signal deterioration.


We would therefore like to commend Sergejs for his timely intervention and pro-active approach to vessel maintenance and congratulate him on winning the title of Safety Champion!

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