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Fletcher gains official ISO 14001:2015 Certification

By Kirsty Fletcher-Reid on 08 Nov 2018

Fletcher Group has recently achieved certification to the internationally recognised ISO 14001:2015 standard, establishing it as one of the leaders in its field. This achievement complements the ISO 9001:2015 standard which was gained earlier in the year and proves the company's continuous improvement ethos.


This independent assessment was conducted by the British Assessment Bureau, a leading Certification Body, and validated Fletcher Group's commitment to their environmental impact as a company.


Fletcher has now earned the right to display the coveted quality shield and ISO 14001:2015 logo which demonstrates conformance to this standard.


ISO 14001 was first introduced in 1996 as a British Standard and requires organisations to have environmental policy and action plan in place to manage their impact on the environment. Certified organisations are committed to continuous improvement and are assessed annually to ensure progress is being maintained.


Craig Ramsay, Fletcher's Marine Operations Director, said "This certification conveys to our customers our commitment to offer solutions considerate of environmental parameters and regulations. Our Management System is now fully integrated and certified against the ISM Code, ISO 9001 and ISO 14001, which is a great achievement for Fletcher as we strive to continually improve all business areas."


Keith Fletcher, Managing Director, added "This is a great step for Fletcher to demonstrate we have ISO 14001:2015 in place and we will continue to build on this platform to further improve our systems and processes for our customers across all elements of our business operations in relation to environmental management."


ISO 14001:2015 bring a multitude of benefits to the company and our clients, including:

- Demonstrating environmental credential;

- Achieve operational excellence;

- Reduce costs, overheads and wastage;

- Focus on proactive management and worker engagement;

- Ensure legislative awareness and compliance.


Our thanks go to our internal team for all their hard work in achieving this standard. If you have any questions with regards to Fletcher's certification or would like to find out how it helps you, please contact our Operations Director

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